Care product that should be applied on inflamed udders and in case of hypercytosis. Free of chemical and pharmaceutical agents.


IPUSagro M 220 udder paste is a professional progressive development of acetic acid clay. We use the high adsorption capacity of our migulators, combined with a correspondingly high astringency to protect against both internal and external contamination.

In udder care
➔ fast and immediate support in case of occurring mastitis due to cooling effect
➔ reduction of somatic cell count and microbial counts at mastitis
➔ in emergencies, to support veterinary treatment

For milk quality
➔ germ reduction
➔ no waiting time for milk delivery
➔ no influence on the milk taste

Further information

➔ 3 kg bucket

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Customer feedback

"We no longer have any problems with increased cell count or mastitis. And if we do, we use the IPUS udder paste and immediately the cow becomes calmer. Because of the cooling effect, you immediately notice that it's good for the animal - what's good for the animal is also good for the farmer."

dairy farm

IPUSagro M 220 – Euterpaste für Milchkühe | Pflegemittel

Questions? Please contact us.

Mineral raw materialcompetence from one hand. Know-how alongside the whole value-added chain.
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