IPUSagro F has positive effects on the environment and profitability in piglet rearing, as well as in pig fattening and pig breeding. Migulators are approved as feed additives for conventional and organic farming.

Fields of application

IPUSagro F migulators based on the high-quality natural mineral clinoptilolite zeolite are added to the daily feed ration. They can be used both in breeding and fattening.
IPUS Migulators are used as a feed additive from the power of nature on the highest quality to improve feed quality.


IPUSagro F standard
IPUSagro F dust reduced
➔ 30% less fine particles
➔ optimized for silage feeding

Further information

➔ 1000 kg pallet (25 kg paper bags)
➔ 1000 kg big bag
➔ bulk


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Customer feedback

"Improvements we have noticed at our pig farm are gut stability, no problems with piglet diarrhea, daily weight gains, calmer animals, less group stress, emission reductions and low mycotoxin pressure."

pig farm

IPUSagro F – Futtermittelzusatz für Schweine

Questions? Please contact us.

Mineral raw materialcompetence from one hand. Know-how alongside the whole value-added chain.
We support you. On site, if you want or via phone, but always personally.